When I review my life, I find that there are things I haven’t done that I no longer really care about doing. Mostly because they involve long lines, airport security, and tiresome plane rides. If I travel anywhere, I want to stay long enough to get over the trip before getting on a plane to return home. The longer the plane ride, the longer the stay needs to be. I’ve always wanted to go to Italy, but a plane ride that long would require that I live there for six months!
I would like to add a zip line ride through a rain forest in Costa Rica to my bucket list, but there’s that long plane ride preceding a short zip line ride. It doesn’t balance out for me at my age. Besides, I did get the experience of a zip line on Roatan Island. It was short but very sweet. Very, very sweet.
Most of the things I would put on my bucket list require a whole life change – not just for me but for everyone who depends on me to maintain a stability from which they can operate. Goodness knows, we went through enough instability when my youngest sister plunged into that river of no return. Of course, I’m not considering putting drug addiction on my list. No, a life change for me would involve a beach and the equator.
So far, there is only one thing on my bucket list that has a remote possibility of becoming a reality: learning algebra. Yes, algebra. I can’t get the idea out of my head. I am ashamed that I am not fluent in equations and proofs. (I don’t even know what a proof is.) There is something other worldly about using numbers to describe this world. I can’t stand not knowing, not understanding what any college-bound high school student knows – or should know. I didn’t “get” algebra in high school for a lot of reasons, but the reasons don’t matter. What matters is that my ignorance makes me feel, well, ignorant.
Besides, if I learn algebra, then I can learn trigonometry, and that can lead to calculus, and I hear that’s where all the fun is.
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