This is not a foodie blog, although I may talk about food from time to time.
It is not a rant blog, although I may do that, too.
It is simply a sharing of my thoughts because we all need an audience who responds to us,
to validate that we mean something, that we are alive.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

From the Bottom of the Political Barrel

I like President Obama, and it disheartens me to hear people speak disparagingly of him. On the other hand, I spoke disparagingly of his immediate predecessor without thought that I was adding to the general negativity of this country. It wasn’t that I didn’t like Bush’s politics (what were his politics, anyway?), I just didn’t care for him as a person.

People at my level (pretty much at the bottom of the political barrel) generally vote for people we like. So, when I compare the two presidents, here is what I come up with:

§  Obama is highly intelligent; Bush is not. I like intelligence. It makes me think, and I like to think. I can listen to President Obama speak for about ten minutes. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t last two minutes listening to Bush before searching for the remote.
§  Obama is enormously energetic; I didn’t feel the energy from Bush. I am drawn to people who are tireless; who can move rapidly from one task to another; who obviously love what they do. I am attracted to them because I am not energetic, but I yearn for it. With a president like Obama, I get to experience that tremendous energy vicariously.
§  Obama believes in what he is doing; Bush didn’t seem to know what he was doing (maybe he did, and I missed it). I don’t have to agree with what you do or what you believe to want to listen to you. I want to look into your eyes and see who YOU are, not see a reflection of myself.
§  Obama has a great voice; Bush, well, do fingernails on a chalkboard ring a bell?

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